Medical Cannabis Devices – Cannabis Vaporizers

Many people use cannabis products for medical reasons, as cannabis has proven benefits for various health conditions. There are different types of cannabis products, such as sprays, tinctures, capsules, and extracts. However, some people also use the cannabis flower, which is the dried bud of the plant. The cannabis flower needs special guidance on how to use it effectively.

medicinal cannabis deviceDifferent cannabis products have different ways of administration. For instance, capsules and extracts have cannabinoids that are already activated and dissolved in a liquid that can be swallowed. The cannabis flower, however, has cannabinoids that are inactive and need to be heated to activate them. One way to do this is by consuming cannabis as an ingredient in baked goods or teas’

However, this is not the best way to use cannabis flowers for medical purposes. There are no validated recipes that patients can follow to ensure consistent dosage and effect. Moreover, when cannabis is taken orally, it takes longer to feel the effect and it lasts longer too. This can make it difficult to control the dosage and avoid unwanted side effects. Some patients may take more than they need because they don’t feel anything at first

One of the ways to use cannabis flowers is by vaporizing them.

Vaporizing is a method that heats and activates the cannabinoids in the flower without burning them. This produces an inhalable aerosol that contains no toxic byproducts. Vaporizing is a better option than smoking for medical use because it avoids the harmful effects of combustion on the lungs.

There are many types of vaporizers available in the market, but not all of them are suitable for medical use. Some vaporizers are low-quality and unreliable, which can affect their functionality and safety. When choosing a vaporizer for medical cannabis, it is important to consider its features, such as heating technology, temperature control, and quality.

Storz & Bickel is a company that offers two highly respected, tho somewhat expensive medical cannabis vaporizers, the VOLCANO  and the MIGHTY. These devices are developed and manufactured in Germany according to the European Medical Device Directive and Standard DIN EN 60601. They are also approved in several countries where medical cannabis is legal1. The VOLCANO vaporiser is a desktop device that has been used in cannabis research for over 15 years and has the most validation from the scientific community2.

medical vannabis deviceBoth devices use a controlled heating technology that allows users to adjust the temperature precisely via the display on the device. The maximum temperature that can be reached by the devices is 210°C. This ensures that all the cannabinoids and terpenes in the flower are vaporized without combustion3. Validation studies have shown that at this temperature, THCA, Cannabidiolic Acid, and the terpenes are almost completely vaporized without combustion occurring.

Vaporizing cannabis flowers can be beneficial for some patients who need fast and effective relief from their symptoms. However, it requires proper guidance and equipment to ensure optimal results and patient safety. Patients should consult their doctors before using any cannabis product and follow their recommendations. Patients should also be aware of the legal status of cannabis in their area and obtain it from a licensed source.


I wish I had got into the habit of using a vaporiser like these, I have tried them but like with many things the ‘habits’ or ‘rituals’ we obtain in life are hard to break, don’t be like me, consume in the safest way possible, be it in food or without combusting all the plant matter.

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2: Hazekamp, A., Ruhaak, R., Zuurman, L., van Gerven, J., & Verpoorte, R. (2006). Evaluation of a vaporizing device (Volcano) for the pulmonary administration of tetrahydrocannabinol. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 95(6), 1308-1317.

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