Choosing Quality Medical Cannabis Seeds

So, you have bought your medical cannabis seeds from your favourite seed company where they fine tune the breeding for things like yield, potency and problem resistance, or you just found a few seeds in your dodgy stash or you got a few freebies from a friend. Either way, learn how to tell if the cannabis seeds are good and healthy.

quality cannabis seedsGood cannabis seeds can usually be spotted from their external appearance. A quality seed will often be well fleshed-out and not crinkled or cracked.

Take some cannabis seeds and rub them between the palms of your hands. Good seeds will appear to be glossy and greyish in colour, some might have a greenish or greyish-brown tint to them and have a good weight with a fleshy appearance.

Look at each seed for signs of being immature; meaning the colour and patterns on the marijuana seed surface is more blended, less uniform grey or greenish and the surface is too soft.

To further test your cannabis seed quality, take the seeds you are going to germinate and drop them into container with distilled water in it. The healthy seeds will usually have enough mass to cause them to sink. Only do this when you are ready to plant tho’ because the seeds must be kept dry until then.

Several conditions will affect the ability of the seed to germinate and these are not always detectable by the appearance and the water test alone. If you have plenty of seeds, randomly select a few that have a good appearance. Crack them open, smell them and taste them. Yes, seriously, lol. If they have a musty, oily taste, they are probably over-ripe seeds and are on the verge of going rotten. If you notice any that are going black inside, then rot has begun to set in and there is very little chance that such seeds will germinate. Similarly, if they look very pale and ‘dusty’ inside then they are old seeds too and will have a low germination rate and/or produce poorly, sickly cannabis plants at best. bagseed Of course, you can go by averages if you are growing a larger number of plants, simply germinate a small group of randomly selected cannabis seeds from those which appear good. This will give you a fairly accurate estimate of what to expect from your larger germination project. A germination percentage above 50% is probably considered excellent for bagseeds. Professional grade seeds from companies like Mandala seeds and Medical Seeds pride themselves with germination ratio of 90% up to 100% and in most cases it is a true promise that we find does come true. Of course, germination is the ultimate test, but remember it is not 100% sure to work, sometimes the grower doesn’t know how to germinate seeds properly and damages them or conditions were not right.

So, overall, quality cannabis seeds are bigger, have clear glossy surface colour and pattern, are heavy with healthy goodness inside and the surface is firm.

Paz’s Conclusion

It has always been my number one rule personally to only ever use quality cannabis seeds, preferably regular seeds or a high quality feminised seed; it saves a lot of time and effort along with helping to keep some unique genetics in circulation.


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